How to Continue the First Quarter of 2023 with Momentum

DMC Atlanta
3 min readFeb 9, 2023

As we begin February, it’s time to make sure our goals are on track for the remainder of quarter one. Whether January went off without a hitch or wasn’t the start to the year you were looking for, we’re here to help you adopt the mindset of “new month, new habits.” Continue reading to discover how you can guarantee a prosperous year by making the right choices off the bat!

Expand Your Thinking

This challenge will help you adopt fresh skills and hobbies. Each month for 30 days in a row, commit to doing something new that you have thought about trying but have not gotten around to. This could include improving your sleeping habits, reading more for business or pleasure, snagging that “perfect posture” gadget to enhance your well-being, or even taking on a weekly exercise routine. The possibilities are entirely endless here, but the goal is to develop yourself into the best version you can be. After 30 days of commitment to these skills, take notice of how they improve your everyday life!

Increase Your Self-Awareness

Become aware of what leaves your mouth by recording everything you say for at least an hour each day for the entire month. Believe it or not, words have power. This is one of the best ways to grasp how others hear and see you. As you develop a keen awareness of your communication, you become empowered to purposefully choose a dialect that inspires and empowers you to realize your vision. Find ways to improve your vocabulary and educate yourself on subjects that will better you both personally and professionally. One of our core values at DMC Atlanta is opportunity, allowing our team to grow ​​based on their performance. Growth will seem much more achievable when holding oneself to a higher standard.

Lose Other People’s Opinions

Come to the conclusion that you will never please every person out there. When you live in others’ heads, it’s challenging to pivot back to your thoughts because all it does is make you judge yourself more harshly. Try adopting the mindset that, yes, some people will never like you, but some people will absolutely love you. “Either way, it has nothing to do with me, and it’s none of my business.” Becoming indifferent toward those thoughts will help you become more confident in yourself.

Audit Your Goals and Charge Forward

What plans did you start this past year and never finish? What 2022 battles are you confident you can win in 2023? Ask yourself why you weren’t able to complete them, if these are worth continuing in the coming year, or if you should move past them. Your time is valuable, and you know yourself best. Understand your weaknesses and, more importantly, what strengths you can improve upon with consistency and willpower. Ask yourself what approach you will take differently this time around to ensure success. Use the remainder of this first quarter to fuel momentum for the rest of the year’s goals!

New Year, New Quarter, New You

Male or female, everyone loves a good makeover. It’s the start of a new year, a new quarter, and a new you. Take the opportunity to visit a hairstylist, use any gift cards you received over the holidays for a new outfit, and of course, purchase a 2023 calendar to keep all of your important dates organized. Did you know that when you physically write something down, you’re more likely to remember it?

Whatever choices you make during this quarter, remember to be mindful. Have patience for prosperity and understand that these new habits are for the long term. We believe here at DMC Atlanta that development starts with the decision to begin. So, together, let’s begin! Share in the comments below what you plan to achieve in 2023. As always, for more insight from DMC Atlanta, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel!



DMC Atlanta

DMC Atlanta is a people-first, humanity-positive sales firm that believes every person deserves the opportunity to be as successful.